The Arab Peace Initiative and the International Community:
Monday, April 21, 2014

The Arab Peace Initiative and the International Community:

Towards concerted efforts for its implementation


Walid Salem is director of the Center for Democracy and Community Development

and a lecturer at Al-Quds University.


With the ongoing stalemate on the Israeli-Palestinian bilateral track, all who are

actively seeking peace still see the Arab Peace Initiative as a potential point of

departure for breaking the impasse, subject to the Israeli Governmens readiness to

accept the API as a basis for discussion. The French UNSC Resolution draft refers to

the API, reports say that the United States may be developing a new API based plan

for peace, and the EU has shown interest on many occasions in moving in that

direction. Many Israeli parties developed API based plans for peace such as MK

Yaacov Peri (Yesh Atid), the Zionist Camp, Meretz and others. Even Foreign

Minister Avigdor Lieberman wants to twist the APIs neck and use it against its

content by wishing to have normal relations with the Arab countries without

withdrawing from the Palestinian and the Arab occupied territories in 1967.


Some have suggested a UN and Quartet led international conference based on the

API, while others suggest a U.S. led process in coordination with Egypt and Jordan, a

third group suggests a gradual Arab normalization track with Israel parallel to the

Palestinian-Israeli negotiations, and a fourth group thought that the Arab role should

be supportive, by bringing Jordan and Egypt to play a direct role in the Palestinian-

Israeli negotiations by either being present in the negotiations room as one version

suggests or by supporting the two sides from outside the negotiations room as another

version suggest. Different proposals were also presented about the expected role of

the Gulf countries in general and Saudi Arabia in particular in the process. Some have

proposed implementation of the API as a point of departure for the establishment of

an Arab-Israeli coalition against Iran, forgetting that the API was approved by the

Organization of Islamic Cooperation at their meeting in Tehran in 2003, and that the

API is an initiative that has the consensus of all the Arab and Islamic countries on it,




and therefore it is against its internal logic to call for its implementation in order to

create a pact of the so called moderates against the extremists.


In the last few months, due to the continuing impasse, the proposals about the API

have started to focus on developing a new UNSC resolution that is based on the API

that some say should be an alternative to Resolution 242.


All these proposals indicate that the API initiative is facing a new context that

requires it to have new functions.


The API and its mechanisms




The Arab Peace Initiative of 2002 is becoming well known, including to 65 percent of

the Israelis according to a public opinion poll in February 2015. It represents

a departure from the traditional Arab position regarding Israel (no peace, no

recognition and no negotiation) into ayes with both recognition and normalized

relations if Israel withdraws from the Arab and the Palestinian Territories occupied in

1967 and accepts an agreed upon solution to the Palestinian refugees problem in

accordance with the UNGA Resolution 194.


The Arab Peace Initiative was initially introduced by his Royal Highness Prince

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and

approved by the 2002 Arab Summit held in Beirut.


The main significance of the API is that it is an initiative that represents the consensus

of all the 22 Arab countries (and subsequently all 57 Islamic countries) making it a

plan of all Arab countries and not only so-calledmoderate Arab countri. Therefore

the Israeli acceptance of the API would lead to a comprehensive peace with all the

Arab (and Islamic) countries regardless of their ideological differences.


Beyond this, the API has a second international significance, since it has been

confirmed by UN Security Council resolutions 1850 and 1860 in 2008 and 2009. It

was mentioned in the Quartet Performance based Road Map of 2003, and later on in

all the Quartet statements and the EU statement, thus becoming an international, Arab

and Islamic plan presented to Israel, and not only an Arab plan. Therefore the

international community is not less responsible according to its own decisions for the

promotion and the implementation of the API.


The third significance of the API which is less known is that the Arab League

has created mechanisms for its promotion and implementation that the international

community can cooperate with when deciding to work intensively on API

implementation. These two mechanisms are: 1) Jordan and Egypt were delegated by

the Arab League to represent the API with Israel, and 2) an Arab Peace Initiative

follow up committee was created and delegated with the task of representing the API

with the international community. This committee is chaired on a rotating basis by the

Arab country that chairs the Arab League. This year Egypt is the chair of that

committee, since the last Arab summit was held in Egypt on March 28 – 29, 2015.

The March summit in Sharm A-Sheikh, Egypt added a third mechanism, a committee

that includes Egypt( the current President of the Arab summit), Jordan ( the Arab

Representative in the UNSC), Morocco (the President of the 2016 forthcoming

summit), the General Secretary of the Arab League Dr Nabil Al Arabi and Palestine.

This new committee was delegated with the task of elevating Palestine in the UN. The




committee met on April 6th in Cairo and decided to go to the UNSC with an Arab

draft resolution that calls under the API umbrella for the end of the Israeli occupation

of the Palestinian occupied territories within a restricted time frame. This decision is

an echo of the Arab Ministers of Foreign Affairs call during their meeting in Cairo on

March 10th, and the call by King Salman Abdel Aziz of Saudi Arabia at the Arab

Summit of March 2015, King Salman called also on the UN to appoint a new UN

special envoy that will work for the implementation of the new UNSC and API based

resolution. The Arabs expect that the mechanisms decided by them will be respected.

Therefore nobody should offend Saudi Arabia by asking it to communicate or

negotiate the API officially with Israel when the Arabs designated Jordan and Egypt

for this task.


The final significance of the API is represented by its steadfast, despite all the chaos

in the region. The new emerging regimes in Iraq, Libya, Tunisia and others have

accepted it, the mechanisms that were developed by the Arab League are still in place,

and have even became more active with the API becoming an international plan.


The primary role of the API in the Israeli-Palestinian context today is to elevate

Palestine to a better symmetrical position with Israel as a way to pressure the Israeli

government to move, by using both diplomatic tools such as enabling Palestine to

become a member state in the UN, a new UN Security Council resolution and other

international mechanisms, while building Palestinian facts on the ground via

concerted international and Arab efforts mainly in East Jerusalem and area C, and the

reconstruction of Gaza.


Stages for Implementation of the API


The starting point is a new UNSC resolution that will include and be followed by

an implementation of the API that will lead the Israeli-Palestinian track to the

establishment of two states living side by side in peace and security- through the

following stages:


1) A strong engagement by the United States and the other Quartet parties with the

new Israel government is a must in order to formulate terms with the Israel Prime

Minister about what he will present later on at the negotiating table, and whether

this will meet the minimum requirements of the Palestinians.



During this pre-negotiation engagement, the Israeli Prime Minister should also be

advised not to demand Palestinian recognition of Israel as aJewish State or as

a State of Jewish People as long as he does not clearly define its borders; does not

recognize dividing Jerusalem as a city of two capitals for two states; and as long as he

does not assure the status of the Palestinians of Israel as Israelis citizens so as not to

transfer them nor their residency area to the Palestinian state. The Prime Minister

should also be advised that this process, being based on the API, will lead to the

creation of normal relations between Israel and the Arab and Islamic countries.


Parallel to engagement with the Israeli Government, the Quartet should have an

intensive engagement with the Arab League, Jordan, Egypt and Palestine in order to

draft together the content of the new UNSC resolution in order to develop it in a

manner that will make it acceptable to the Palestinian leadership. Developing only a

series of vague parameters or overall principles in a new UNSC resolution will be




counterproductive, as previous experiences have shown. After 25 years of

negotiations since 1990, the Arabs and Palestinians will not accept less than a clear

cut resolution that includes a time table for getting to the two-state solution that will

include also tools and procedures to be used against the party that fails to fulfill its

obligations according to the resolution.


Based on these preparations, the Quartet should prepare memorandums of

understandings to be presented to the parties prior to the resumption of the



Without such a preparatory stage, it will be a disaster and a recipe for failure

of the negotiations.


2) Once the initial stage is completed, the international community will call on the

two sides to engage in negotiations on the permanent status issues, starting with a

launching of an international conference. The conference will be attended by the

Quartet countries, the Arab League, core Arab countries, Israel, the BRICS countries,

and representatives from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. The conference

will decide the parameters for upcoming negotiations on the basis of the new UNSC

resolution, and will accordingly set up an international Follow-Up Committee for the

bi-lateral negotiations. The Committee will intervene in the negotiations when needed

to bring in bridging proposals. Such a committee could include the U.S., the EU,

some EU countries like France, Germany, and the UK, BRICS, Russia, the Arab

League, and Arab countries mainly Jordan and Egypt.


Factors to be taken into consideration in the negotiations


1. The negotiations will be on all the permanent status issues between the two sides

without exclusion;


2. The previously agreed on issues between President Abbas and Prime

Minister Olmert will be recognized and will not be the subject of renegotiation, but

will be presented in order to go hand in hand with the implementation plans of what is

agreed upon about them;


3. The negotiations should not be gradual but based on a time table and benchmarks;


4. The negotiations should aim to the establishment of a Palestinian state, on the 1967

borders, that lives in peace and security with Israel and also an agreement on a just

solution for the Palestinian refugee problem;


5. Negotiations should be directed by the Quartet, in coordination with the Arab

League, and the relevant Arab countries in order to push the implementation of the

API forward in the Israeli- Palestinian track. Coordination with different international

blocs such as BRICS, will be necessary in order to move the process forward in

addition to the revival of some of the multilateral working groups.


Unilateral steps to be taken by Israel


6. Steps to be taken unilaterally by Israel during the negotiation time, in order to build

confidence in the process and to fulfill the previous agreement obligations, including:


i. Allowing the return of all 1967 displaced persons to the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and

East Jerusalem;




ii. Allowing the free access of goods and individuals between the West Bank, Gaza

and East Jerusalem;


iii. Freezing the settlement expansion, dismantling settlements outposts, and allowing

the Palestinian building and development processes in Area C of the West Bank and

East Jerusalem;


iv. Reopening the closed Palestinian institutions in East Jerusalem;


v. Releasing the Palestinian prisoners;

vi. Avoiding any incursions into the Palestinian territories;


vii. Allowing for rebuilding Gaza.


What the Quartet/International Community should do


The other steps to be taken by the Quartet/International Community during the

negotiations include:


1. Supporting the Palestinian development projects in Area C, East Jerusalem and



2. Monitoring the Israeli restrictions and violations in Area C, East Jerusalem, and the

freedom of movement between the West Bank and Gaza, and

taking action against these violations;


3. Lifting the veto against Palestinian internal reconciliation and supporting

the holding of Palestinian National Council, Palestinian Presidency and Palestinian

Legislative Council elections in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and with

the Palestinian all over the world for the Palestinian National Council elections;


4. Supporting the Palestinian Authority finances, and the PA project, while

also preventing Israel from stopping the transfer of the Palestinian Tax revenues

collected in Israel;


5. Ensuring the Israeli commitment toward all its obligations according to the

previous agreements between the parties;


6. Boycotting the Israel settlements products, and avoid investing in those



Alternative Plan


If the International Community fails to get the new Israeli government to accept the

minimum position required for the resumption of the negotiations, then the

International Community should present a Plan B consisting of an international plan

toward the two states solution, with a timetable and benchmarks to be met by both

parties, and to follow the implementation of that plan with the sides using the

economic, technological and other means of support existing as carrots and sticks to

move the process forward.


These moves to be also accomplished by:



1. Supporting the Palestinian initiative toward the elevation of the status of the State


of Palestine to become a member state in the United Nations, and the creation of an

international coalition of all the countries who voted in favor of accepting Palestine as

a non -member state in the UN, to work toward the full Palestinian membership in the



2. Creating systematic cooperation between the EU and the Arab League, based on

the articles and principles of the 13th of November 2012, Cairo Declaration from the

Cairo meeting of the Arab and European Ministers of Foreign Affairs, and the one

that followed in Athens in 2014, and working accordingly with a joint plan for the

implementation of the API toward the achievement of a Comprehensive Middle-

Eastern Peace;


3. Supporting the Palestinian non-violent struggle against the occupation, and

promoting the Israeli, Arab and International peace camp and solidarity organizations

participation in it.


Recognition of a Palestinian state would create a more level playing field


The API cannot be used to encourage Arab countries to assert pressure on the

Palestinians to make compromises. President Abbas and the Palestinian leadership

have already made all the concessions needed, yet the response by Israel has been

more settlement expansion and more extremist positions in contradiction to any

agreement with the Palestinian leadership. Israel up till now has not officially

responded to the Initiative. It sees the API proposal as yet another way to delegitimize

Israel. The issue of the Palestinian refugees has been a central justification used for

this non-response, despite the fact that the API refers to an agreed upon solution to

the refugee problem.


Therefore pressure connected to the API should be placed only on Israel to accept

it. This is the time for an international API based plan for a two-state solution based

on the 1967 borders that will be achieved with or without any further negotiations

between the parties. This requires a tough international hand on the Israeli occupiers,

starting from a clear cut new UNSC resolution for ending occupation, combined with

a clear cut tools and procedures that will be used in order to make it possible to

achieve the goal.


Walid Salem- April 2015


Contact: +972-2-628-1151 / walidsociety@gmail.com / cd@cd-cd.org /


 www.cd-cd.org / www.theapiregionalnetwork.net














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